All in The Archives

A Shoggoth on the Roof: The Investigation Review (Short Film, 2000) The Archives

In the 1980s, the HP Lovecraft Historical Society received a mysterious handwritten libretto for a parody musical called A Shoggoth on the Roof. That would be a Lovecraftian spin on A Fiddler on the Roof if you didn’t catch it. It turns out, the manuscript wasn’t just the creation of an off-kilter Lovecraft fan (actually institutionalized and unidentified in the documentary). His team came very close to producing the musical in 1979.

Inner Demons Review (Film, 2014) The Archives

Inner Demons is a possession/exorcism film and a satire of docudrama reality series. Carson Morris is a teenager addicted to any injectable drug she can find. It is revealed that Carson was a perfect little Christian, even a national champion in Bible verse competitions, until she attended Catholic school. She believes that using heroin and crushed, boiled pills keeps a literal demon from emerging. The new production intern for the reality show is the only person to believe that she may actually be possessed.