Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

The Link Rally: 29 December 2011

Sean O'Connel ranks the Top 10 Action/Fight sequences of 2011. Needs more Sucker Punch. Cinemablend I mercifully drop down from the most prolific commenter on Pajiba to the 20th most prolific commenter on Pajiba. No word yet on whether or not I make their noteworthy oddballs list this year. And just think: a little over three years ago, I was shocked I took 50th place out of 50 on that list. That Dustin Rowles, always passive-aggressively giving back to his web community. Pajiba

Obviously the Ocean Marketing kerfuffle came too late to make CNN's list of the Top 10 Tech Fails of 2011. Regretsy versus PayPal did. CNN

I neglected to link to the excellent new Penny Arcade comic responding to the awful Ocean Marketing situation yesterday. Penny Arcade

This might be the most incomprehensible thing I've ever seen featured on Regretsy. Regretsy

Finally, say what you will about the Broadway revival of Godspell, I like what I've heard of the new orchestrations so far. Here's a video from Playbill showing the cast in the studio recording "Day by Day," my favorite song from the show. That Anna Maria Perez de Tagle has a fantastic voice.

Top 10 Films of 2011

Film Review: Certified Copy (2011 US, 2010 France)
